Este blog es para repasar y extender aprendizajes de English y Science de cuarto. También para divertirse y para ponernos en comunicación fuera de la escuela. Muchas de las entradas tendrán preguntas para hacer como una forma de estudio divertida. Las respuestas se escribiran en los comentarios (parte de abajo de cada entrada). Si se tiene cuenta google aparecerá automáticamente el nombre de quien escribe. Sino utilizar como anónimo pero no olvidar entonces poner el nombre de quien hace el comentario. No saldrá la respuesta inmediatamente, el profesor supervisará los comentarios antes de aparecer. Espero que llegen al blog sugerencias de todo tipo de enlaces y recursos interesantes para todos que podamos compartir.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Trip to "la garganta de la Camorza" (18-12-2012)

Do You know where were we?

What was this video about?

What was Cristina talking about?

What was the teacher talking about?

What does that symbol mean?

How is this flower called? Why?

What is the name of this rock?

What could you see in this strange compass?

What is the name of the peak at the back?

Has this rock a name?

What did the teacher tell you about the river Manzanares?

What did you talk about here?

What did you look at with a  magnifying glass?

Can you propose names for this two rocks at the top of the hill?

How is the rock formation at the back of the picture called?

What do we have to do with this bug? Kill it?

Excretory system

What is the name of the muscle that controls when we want to make pee?
Answer in the comments below

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Respiratory System

Try to answer this questions (post your answers in the comments below, share your work):
1. What is the respiratory system made of?
2. How does it work? 
3. How many bronchioles and alvioli do we have in the lungs?
The first question is mandatory to everyone who watches this video, questions 2 and 3 are optional (make the effort, please.)

Digestive System

Tell me the parts of the digestive system (watch out! there's one more than in the book, and there's another that is not called the same)
Post your answer in the comments below, thanks.

Circulatory system

Excretory System

How is the excretory system called in this video?
What are the parts of the excretory system?
Post your answers in the comments below. thank you.

Body Systems song

Can you say all our body systems? They are ten, look carefully so you don´t leave any behind.
Write them down in the comments bellow, thank you.
Do you know what are each of the system for, what is their function?
Extend your knowledge.

Circulatory System Rap (Science)

Can you tell the path that our blood follows? Watch the video and write where does blood go from the right ventricle and the left ventricle.
Post your answer in the comments bellow, thank you.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013


Can you tell where is the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, the liver, the pancreas, the small intestine, the large intestine and the anus? Point to them in the drawing.


My mom
She gave me a dollar
She told me to buy a collar
But i didn't buy no collar
Instead I bought some Bubble Gum
Bazooka, zooka Bubble Gum (X2)

My mom
She gave me a quarter
She told me to tip the porter
But i didn't tip no porter
I bought some Bubble Gum
Bazooka, zooka Bubble Gum (X2)

My mom
She gave a dime
She told me to buy a lime
But I didn't buy no lime
Instead I bought some Bubble Gum
Bazooka, zooka Bubble Gum (X2)

My mom
She gave me a nickel
She told me to buy a pickle
But i didn't buy no pickle
I bought some Bubble Gum
Bazooka, zooka Bubble Gum (X2)

My mom
She gave me a penny
She told me to buy some Bubble Gum
So I bought myself some gum!